Thursday, November 3, 2011

I'm not fat, I'm knocked up!

Well now that I've rambled about surprises and purposes, I figured I should get down to the brass tacks of this blog. My main purpose here is to work on my health. I am a notorious yo-yo dieter. I'll do great and follow all the rules for months...and then fall off the horse and go back to eating way too much junk. And exercise? Something so good for you should not be this hard for me. I even have a gym membership and can't seem to get there near as often as I should. It's really pathetic. To complicate matters I have an autoimmune disease involving my thyroid so loosing weight comes a lot more slowly than it used to. Both J and I did the South Beach lifestyle for a long time and enjoyed many aspects of it, but certain aspects of it were not realistic. To keep all elements of sugar out of your diet, you seriously have to cook every single meal from scratch. Did I mention I have four kids? Boys at that? Yeah, that's not realistic. And don't get me started on the dishes it sink looked like it had been taken over by the metallic version of the blob all the time. So not too terribly long ago we tried out a free month of Weight Watchers. We loved it. You really can eat anything, you just have to factor for it. You don't have to avoid sugar like the plague, it teaches decent portions, and allows you to eat as many fresh fruits and veggies you want for no points at all. But Jason and I both LOVE our food. We're heavily Italian and Italians love food. They make GOOD food. I am a damn good cook. And when I don't feel like cooking, we both love fast food waayyy too much. Burgers, pizza, tacos, ice cream, you name it, we love it. Did something happen worth celebrating? Yay let's have food! Are you depressed? Comfort food will make it all better. Mediocre day? Food! Bored? Food! aaannnddd so on and so forth. It's an evil cycle and both the love-of-my-life and myself are like hamsters in wheels. It's hard as hell to get out.

But this has to change. My last pregnancy I gained more weight than ever and it all settled in my hips, thighs, and butt. I spread width-wise so much that everyone thought I was finally having a girl. In reality we were coming off of the South Beach lifestyle and all I craved in early pregnancy was white carbs. Grits, bread, crackers, tortillas...they were delicious and helped to stave off nausea. All that weight I'd taken off of my belly came back with a vengeance. I was quite a hefty pregger and I strained my usual maternity clothes. It was sad. I felt like a whale. I do not want to be in that place again. Unfortunately due to my extreme lack of willpower and the surprise factor of this pregnancy I'm not where I wanted to be weight-wise. I know preggies aren't supposed to diet per se, but you can eat healthy and exercise. You can become strong and all the weight you gain can seem to drain out of you and into your growing belly. I know because my second pregnancy was this way. I came out of that pregnancy way smaller than when I went into it. I was scared to death of being gestational diabetic (like I was in my first pregnancy) so I ate healthy with my OB's guidance and morphed into a different person during those nine months. So I think I can do this. With the help of the principles I've learned in Weight Watchers, some serious willpower, and the help and support of my family and friends, I really want to do this. I want my tiny sesame seed to be healthy and I want to be healthy for him\her and my other boys. I do NOT want to be the pregnant beached whale again.

I want this blog to be the place where I can vent, laugh, post daily anecdotes, doctor's advice, and recipes too! As I mentioned, I love to cook. Finding a recipe that is crazy delicious and good for you, thrills me to my toes. Cooking successfully fills me with pride that rivals the pride I have in my children. (Don't flame me, I'm kidding. Sort of.) So, without further adieu, I hereby christen this blog with a big virtual bottle of alcohol-free champagne, and open my journey to the world.

Wish me luck.

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