Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Die, fat greasy Boogeyman...just DIE!

I think we all have our internal struggles. The boogeymen in our brains, the issues that we mentally charge towards on a white steed with a conquering lance glinting in the sun of our confidence.  Sometimes the lance makes contact. Then other times we may fall off of our steed landing in a crumpled and confused heap. The issues go untouched or perhaps only whittled at with no real resolution. Where did we go wrong? We started off so very strong! Why are these things so tough to conquer? Why won't the boogeyman DIE?

I've watched everyone I've ever known struggle with the evil monkeys on their backs that they'd love to shake off. One of my boogeymen is health. Scroll through this blog and at any given point I'm sure you'll find a post hinting at frustration over "falling off the wagon" in regards to healthy living. It's something so right, exercise, be healthy...and yet so many of us fail so miserably. Oh sure, I'll start a diet on my metaphorical charging steed, but before I know it, I'm sitting on my butt in the dirt with a doughnut or two watching my steed gallop away. My beautiful horse was going to lead me to a better place! A place with more energy..a place where you could shop for cute clothes without blushing and picking the "big girl" jeans! And yet here I sit with my doughnuts watching his hooves disappear in the dust.

*huge sigh of frustration*

It's gotten to the point where I'm hesitant to try anything new because I'm afraid that it'll become another massive fail, like all of my other attempts. Might as well just sit here in the dirt with my least it's a stable place, right?


"Why do we fall, sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up." 
So I must pick myself up again.

And drop the doughnuts.

(Oh and bonus points to those who know where that quote was from.)


  1. I know where the quote is from ;) I'm such a geek LOL
    Batman Begins :)

    1. *ding ding ding* Congrats, Anon! You have won 500 bonus Geek Cred points! :) Best. Batman. Movies. Ever.
