Friday, January 3, 2020

Useless as the G in Lasagna

Well that was yesterday's goal anyway. I ended up doing Scout stuff and cooking some leftovers for the kiddos. I had intended on cooking nothing whatsoever but kids gotta eat I guess... However, it was a lovely come down day after all the bustle of the holidays and Winter camp prep. I actually sat all the way through "Ernest Saves Christmas" even. That's a feat for me. The entire Ernest franchise is not my cup of tea, but I managed to be lazy enough to watch the whole thing. Only down part of the day is that Erik came home from a sleepover sick. My poor guy is warm and hoarse with a horrible cough. People were dropping like flies at Bovay and I guess it made it's way to us too. I was really hoping beyond hope that it would have skipped us, but what can you do? Life and viruses find a way...
Anyhoo, not a whole lot to report. We were lazy. We ate junk. We got a well deserved and needed rest. Peace, love, and taquito grease...

Thursday, January 2, 2020

"It's a quest! A quest for fun..

I'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun!"

This should be my slogan for this year. Like the poor delusional sap that uttered that quote, I'm sure I'll be driven to a crazed fervor bordering on mania some days, but a girl can hope, right? So it's doubly fitting. This year will be my quest for fun...a laid back year at least in theory. Part of this quest will be journaling\blogging. I don't really give a rat's rear end if anyone ever reads this, I'm not in it for subscribers. This is mainly for me. Even if I only blog a sentence like "Today sucked donkey balls. Going to bed." I intend on posting a small something every single day of 2020, a virtual journal if you will. I would make a "It'll be my 2020 vision" joke here, but dear god that's already overplayed. If I see Barbara Walters in my Facebook feed one more time...

Anyhoo, so this posting is being typed in retrospect for yesterday. Yesterday we had family and friends over for our annual New Years celebration. We usually have these soirees on New Years Eve but due to the Scouting life and Winter Camp getting out that day, we decided to postpone. It's a good thing we did too. My two campers and both girls crashed hard before midnight ever got close. So we spent yesterday in our usual gathering of good company, drinks, junk food, board games, cards, and so many kids we didn't know what to do. It was epic and wonderful; an excellent start to the New Year. I went to bed exhausted but happy. 
So here's hoping the rest of the year is like that...we go to bed exhausted from being busy in a good way and happy because we're surrounded by amazing friends and family. There should be some pretty grand adventures on the horizon...